
RBIS Ch Rickways Winter Star At Wild MoirsSex: Female
Color: Chocolate
Birthday: November 22, 2020
Registration: HW4054245
Hips: LR-266357G25F-C-VPI-Good
Elbows: LR-EL113864F25-C-VPI-Normal
Cardiac: Clear by Auscultation 
PRA-prcd: DDC:157545
EIC: DDC157544 – Clear
HNPK: DDC:157547 – Carrier
Dilution Locus D: DDC:157546 – Clear
Cystinuria: DDC157542 – clear
CNM:  DDC:157541 – Clear
DM: DDC157543 – Clear

Fostered with the Victor Mark family

Pedigree For Harleigh:

Harleigh Rickways Toast To Freedom MBISS Am Br Ch Epoch’s Mocassin Joe Am Gr Ch Quail Chase Broadway Joe Windfall Liberty’s Broad Reach
Dune Dancer\’s Windfall Margarita
Epoch’s Treasure MISS Am Ch Wilcare Leisure Suit Larry WC JH
MISS Am Ch Epoch’s Brown Baggin’
Can Ch Amen Hadleigh Cocktail Party @ Tri-Ever MBISS Am Gr Ch Shalimar’s The Animator BISS Am Gr Ch Nipntuck Hyspire Unforgettable
Shalimar Biding My Time
Tanglewood Root Beer Float Am Ch Epoch’s Captian Kidd
Epoch’s Bake Til Brown
Ch Rickways That’s A Promise MBISS BPISS Gr Ch Rickways The Prophet WC MBISS Am Gr Ch Shalimar’s The Animator BISS Am Gr Ch Nipntuck Hyspire Unforgettable
Shalimar Biding My Time
Ch Rickways Headlong Rush To Sumo BISS Am Ch Hyspire Adrenaline Rush
Trdsmn’s Wild Orchids At Sumo
Ch Rickways Spice Girl Bonaventure’s Maxwell Am Ch Rocheby Rainmaker
Gregoire Bona Venture’s Miss M
Ch Rickways Kentucky Raine Ch Alegra Sabo Bonaventure’s Albert
Rickways Maritime Chance

More Photos:

Thanks Bev and Faye faye@4ufarms.ca & McMasters Photographer Faye Unrau Photography