
BIS Gr Ch Rickways Born To Rule “Kali”


Color: Yellow
Birthday: March 12, 2021
Registration: JE4070813
Hips: –  LR-275907E39F-PI-VPI
Cardiac: Clear by Auscultation
PRA-prcd: DDC179102-Clear
EIC: DDC179100-Clear
HNPK: DDC179101-Clear
Dilution Locus D: DDC179095-Clear
Cystinuria: DDC179098-Clear
DNM: DDC179099-Clear 
CNM: DDC179097-Clear

Co-Owned with Pat Feeleus

Pedigree For Kali:

BIS Ch Rickways Born To Rule
MBISS BPIS GrCh B Rickways The Prophet WC MBISS Am Ch Shalimar’s The Animator BISS Am Gr Ch Nipntuck Hyspire Unforgettable MBISS Am Gr Ch Hyspire Impressive WC
Am Ch Blackwater’s Nipntuck Cheerleader
Shalimar Hyspire Biding Mt Time Pol Am Ch Figero Dafoz Herbu Zadora
Hyspire Shali When Your Hot Your Hot
Ch Rickways Headlong Rush To Sumo MBISS Am Ch Hyspire Adrenaline Rush MBISS Am Ch Borador’s By George
Hyspire Cavanaugh
Trdsman’s Wild Orchids At Sumo m Ch Hyspire Windfall Cookie Cutter
Sumo Trdsman My Fair Lady
Ch Rickways The Devil Wears Prada Ch Eagertrieve’s Leprechaun Chestnuts Bonaventure’s Paul Am Ch Tabatha’s Sport WC
Chestnut’s Sophisticated Lady
Ch Eagertrieve’s Focus On Me Ch Cidwr’ s Evermore To The Future
Eagertrieve’s Odyssey
Shadow River’s Storm Warning Tabatha’s Noble Am Can Ch Knight JH
Tabatha’s Confetti WC
Redbae’s Girls Nite Out Winterwind’s Tartan Plaid
BISS Can Am Redbaes’ Late Night Call Girl

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